City on the Water

In the arid Continent of Australia, Sydney is a cosmopolitan, subtropical oasis. set around the bays and inlets of tat Jackson ami etfmtag north and south alaif the coast The foreshore stretching oner 250 Uometm o scalloped white sandy beaches. «Arte the South Pacific Ocean caresses the shores of sheltered cows and thunders in on some of the keff smf hades a the country. The ctimate S mid the outer uvm enough for swimming most of the mat Australia's best-known dty sits vwyesncah or the shores of its beautiful natural tarbe harbour bustling with commuter ferries and JetCats. small tugs and massive container ships, and visiting luxury liners. Sydneysiders are rightly proud of their city. It is the cradle of Australian history and. industrially and commercially, the focal point of the South Pacific. The people are relaxed yet sophisticated. The water that surrounds them has a major impact on their lifestyle; many office workers commute by ferry and spend their lunch hours by the foreshore, enjoying the cool sea breeze in hot summer months. At weekends Sydneysiders collectively stretch out on the beaches or set sail.
Sydney owes a lot to its harbour. Its first European discovery was in 1770 by Captain James Cook, who named it Port Jackson, and in 1788 Captain Arthur Phillip declared it ‘the finest harbour in the world’. Today, due to its vast site, its protection from storms, its uniform depth, small tides, freedom from silting, and lack of navigational hazards, together with its wharves conveniently situated close to the city’s business centre - it is arguably the world’s best natural harbour, it embraces more than 55 square kilometres of water and caters for more than 6000 vessels each year.
At weekends sailing boats, speedboats, yachts and launches join the busy harbour traffic Sydney Harbour is also the venue for many boating classics, including the Sydney to Hobart fcfct Race which starts on Boxing Day. and the Festnai of Sydney’s Ferry Boat Race ■ January Between Sydney's two most fans bndaarks the Opera House and the Harkov lri%n is Sydney Cove - the bkthplace of re cry Sote ait nation.
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